Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Day in Paradise... Are you sure?

For the last 2 years I have grown a desire to focus on humanitarian efforts. I think that we have lost the value of what life is, as a nation that is, and perhaps... humanity has. I also feel strongly that the economic perversion that has perpetuated itself and integrated into virtually every society has caused more pain than pleasure. WE MUST CHANGE! We must go back to the roots of capitalism and adapt them to the needs of society. WE MUST help and educate those that were raised or have experienced adverse conditions that have caused their suffering. This desire has been one of the main reasons for my desire to educate myself - I pray that I may one day be a tool to bring about the improvement and benefit of at least some of my fellow men.

Here is a great song that you should listen to...

Leave a comment about your feelings.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Is God Free?

This post may not be as long as I would like, but I will attempt to make it as precise as possible. While sitting in church on Sunday, I was contemplating the ability of God to be able to preform some action. While thinking about the later, I came to the conclusion that God is not a free agent. This was supprising to me, and I quickly attempted to find justification that would negate my conclusion. Nevertheless, my attempts proved to be utterly unavailing. Thus, I obviously decided to continue my analysis of why it is that God was not free. This is what appears to support this claim:
1. God is all-knowing (omniscient).
2. God is all-good (omnibenevolent).
3. If (1) then God always knows what it is the he will do.
4. If (2) then God always does that which promotes or allows for the greatest good.
If (1) and (2), are true then from (3) and (4) we deduce:
5. God is not free.

So, the proof (1-5) holds that God can only do that which he knows to be good and consequently he already knows that which he is going to do. If that is true, despite the obvious obscurity about whether or not God can choose that which is future or possible, then it must be the case that God is not free with regards to some action. The additional result is that God can not even choose amid some set of options; like: a set of choice's say, A and B. As per A is always better than B or B must always be better than A for God.
Some may make the objection that some set of options say, C and D are exactly equal both quantitatively and qualitatively, then God could make the choice amid C and D base upon some ability of preference. However, for those who make this claim they must understand that if C and D are numerically identical (in terms of properties) then they run into Leibniz's law, which states: if any two objects A and B possess exactly the same properties then A and B are exactly the same thing. This means that if A=B and B=A then the result if some type if tautology such as: A=b and B=A the AB=BA and BA=AB --> A=A and B=B (B&A+A&B)=(A&B+B&A). So it does not matter which is chose as per A and B are the same thing.